The deadline for Giving Tree gifts is January 1.
Letty Owings Center - Please make your check payable to Central City Concern with "Letty Owings" on the memo line or simply click here to donate now. Letty Owings is requesting funds to purchase new comforters and new toddler bed frames to go in their newly-remodeled bedrooms. Backpack Snacks - Backpack Snacks is currently serving about 50 children through the Backpack Snacks program. We would appreciate donations of food items rather than monetary donations this year. Some preferred items are listed below. They do most of their shopping at Costco, but many of the items can be purchased elsewhere.
Refugee Support - To donate, please follow the notes below.
We are requesting gift cards to Walmart or Fred Meyer for the Nasiri parents, and one gift for each of the four Nasiri Children. Each gift for the children is described on the inserts in the envelopes on the Giving Tree in the church, along with the Amazon url for each item. If you order the gifts from Amazon, have them delivered to your address and place them, unwrapped, in the box under the Giving Tree. If you have questions, contact Becky Brown. ELCA Good Gifts Fund - Clean Water
Make your check out to Our Savior's Lutheran Church with "Good Gifts/Clean Water" on the memo line. Mail checks to the church or click here to donate now. Enter or select "ELCA Good Gifts-Clean Water" on the memo field in the online form. Your thoughtful gift will go toward the OSLC goal of raising $2500 to sponsor one village's well through the ELCA Safe Water Access Program. With a simple water well, spring box or other water point, as many as 500 families gain access to clean, safe water. Any amount is greatly appreciated. The deadline for Giving Tree gifts is December 31.
Thank you for your gifts! |